
Twitter doesn't allow for much information in one place, so I figured I should make a carrd. Feel free to click the links below if you'd like a fast-track to information or our socials, or click the right button to work your way through page by page!





She/her or he/him




Hi! I'm the person who mostly runs our accounts. This was my idea, actually, because I missed being able to post my works without fear of harassment. I'm a big anxious mess, but I'm doing my very best to get over that! Please feel free to say hello! I'm the one who replies to comments.









Coffee isn't really interacting with the fandom much, but I wanted him to have an about page! I'll be posting his fic on AO3, but he wants it noted that he won't reply to comments. He's very busy, and he writes the meanest Izuku I've ever seen, and I love him for it. ♥

If you are an anti, this is not a place for you, so please don't waste your time coming to yell at me. We're anti-censorship in this house, and we're pro-healthy exploration of topics, even when those topics are being sexualized. Occasionally enjoying and writing extreme fic doesn't mean I'm going to hurt people, and I don't owe you a checklist of my traumas just to get permission to write fic.

Having the view that there's any such thing as moral and immoral fiction is incredibly harmful to the survivors and victims of assault, especially sexual assault and child sexual assault. If no real life person is being harmed in the creation of a work, there is no wrong being committed.

It is also incredibly harmful to people with OCD, to pretend that just because someone enjoys fiction or has dark thoughts they'll harm someone. It is not your job to tell someone how they're able to consume fiction, or what they're allowed to consume. Saying "get therapy" in response to someone's fictional preferences is ableist, full stop.

On twitter and on AO3, we discuss and write incredibly sensitive topics. I paste pieces of dark fic in the fic section below, and wanted to give warnings.

General Trigger Warnings

This is not a complete list, and not all of the topics listed have been discussed; this is simply a list of things that might be present, so you can flesh out your blacklist if you need to.

  • Dubious Consent and Non-Con

  • Underage

  • Somnophilia

  • Incest

  • Pedophilia

  • Age Gaps

  • Transphobia

  • Power Dynamics

  • Pregnancy

The one and only thing I (Creme) will tell you about myself is this: I am transgender, and I am queer. Any content involving detransitioning, homophobia, or transphobia is going to be handled carefully and by someone who has experienced both transphobia and homophobia firsthand. If you don't like it, don't read the pieces that involve it. I tag as extensively as I possibly can.

On the pages for our fics, click the title to go to the fic, and click the picture to see the picture's source! Every image I use and will ever for fic aesthethics will be from pexels or a similar royalty-free image sourcing website. Any gifs or stills used here will also be linked to their sources, if you click on them.